17 June, 2016

Tactical Cruiser 101 Part4

TLDR: Cattaro bane or boon? Don’t spend your money on this ship until you have all the other ships you want or it is significantly buffed from patch V1.0.3.

A short post on the Cattaro, I'm not going to spend too much time on this ship until there is a complete revamp of it or it gets a huge buff.

So this Cattaro ship seems like a neat idea, a Tactical Cruiser that deals lots of damage and supports the team. Great concept, doesn’t ever work out as planned. Its a bit too slow, does less damage than it should, and is the most fragile of the Tactical Cruisers. Two words describe my current personal opinion of this ship “Don’t Bother”.

Granted giving it Tesla Turrets, Tesla Pods, Nuclear Mine, Blast Pulse, and Target Warp seems like it would get the job done, but it doesn’t do as well as a similarly equipped Koschei. It really makes me sad that this ship has yet to live up to its potential in beta, its getting close, just not there yet. I plan on revisiting it later but not until I see patch notes saying its gotten a significant buff.

While the Cattaro is an entertaining ship and can be used some what effectively with Purge Beam, Nuclear Mine, Blast Pulse, Energy Generator, Retaliatory, Module Amper, Engine Rigger, and Engineering 101 it requires level 46. Even with this set up most players will be more effective playing almost any other ship.

If your not too busy and want to learn more about Dreadnought swing by my stream I am generally live Monday-Friday from Noon Pacific to about 6pm.

Tactical Cruiser 101 Part3
Tactical Cruiser 101 Part5

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